These ladies are amazing!
My friend, Christina, and I departed Missouri on Friday morning and headed up to Iowa City. After a lot of catching up and a wonderful dinner, we drove to Coralville to visit some other family friends who have also been wonderful to us all these years. It was great to see Aunt Karen and Uncle Jim!

After we returned, we had yet another amazing dinner! This time we were joined by Megan's two lovely daughters, Amira and Shea! Uncle Bill grilled tenderloin wrapped in bacon...almost enough to make me want to stop being a vegetarian! Aunt Loretta sure knows how to make cooking look easy! Every meal she made was delicious!
What a beautiful smile!!!
Colleen got Shea to give her a massage after her long run and bike ride!
This girls has boundless energy!
During the trip, I was introduced to the great game Banana-Grams!!! So much fun! After dinner, we all sat down to play a few rounds!

On Sunday morning, Colleen woke me up bright and early for a lovely 5-mile run. It was beautiful out and I was thrilled to see that the Easter Bunny (aka Christina) had visited while I was out!
All dressed up for church!
After our run, we cleaned up and headed to church. Afterwards, we returned to have a delicious brunch and spend our last few hours together.
I'm pretty sure Amira is beating her dad here!
The Lavelle women hard at work!
Colleen, super tired after slaving away in the kitchen all morning...
Ajax, looking quite dashing on Easter morning!
And last but DEFINITELY not least, my dad's best friend. My dad's brother. Uncle Bill. Quite possibly the most generous and loving man that I know. It was so wonderful to see you all!
Great recap! Wish I could have joined you. They are such a wonderful family!