Getting Ready to Move
It's that time again...time for a Permanent Change of Station (PCS). Earlier this year I got orders to move from Camp Pendleton, CA (San Diego area) to Fort Leavenworth, KS to attend Command and General Staff College (CGSC). This is a school for military officers where you learn tactics, doctrine, etc. At first I was really disappointed that I wasn't heading to Quantico, VA to attend the Marine Corps' equivalent school. I actually wasn't sure where Kansas even was! (I had to Google it!) After talking to several folks out there, I am getting more and more excited about the next year. It will be a good change from what I have been doing and should be somewhat of a break.
The downside to all of this...another MOVE! It comes with the territory though - a move every 3 years (or even sooner). The positive about moving:
1) You get to go through all of your stuff and purge what you do not need/use anymore.
2) New things to see in a totally new place!
3) You get to meet new people.
The negatives to moving:
1) You have to pack up all of your stuff.
2) Then you have to unpack it all at the far end, haha.
3) Dealing with the military moving process - we like to make everything as difficult as possible.
Two more weeks here in SoCal and then I hit the road!
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