So much has happened since you left us and you have no idea how much you are missed! You have two beautiful grandchildren. Julieta is always going full speed (I have no idea how Juliette and Max keep up with her). And now Juliette and Max are expecting a little baby boy! Reagan does something new every single day! Both of your daughters have turned into exceptional mothers, and so much of that is because of what you taught us. Not a day goes by where you are not missed and thought of - especially when I'm in the kitchen trying so hard to cook the way you did. We love you so much.

But, please don't worry about any of us. Although we can no longer call you in times of need, all three of us have amazing women who have become mothers to us. As you know, Betty has been like a mother to us since high school! She calls to just check-in, even though she has her own new grandchild to spoil. Always worrying about how we are doing and opening her doors (and kitchen!) to us when we visit.
Of course you had an opportunity to meet both Dody and Maureen, and they have both been amazing! Although I don't get to see them nearly as often as I'd like to, they are just a phone call away if I need anything.

Know that Jen and Juliette both have similar women in their lives who support them. No one could ever replace you, but I know you'd be happy that we each have women in our lives who are there when we need a mother's advice or a shoulder to cry on.
To all the women in our lives, especially you Mom, Happy Mother's Day!
Mom says that she loves you like you are her daughter. Now.. get your butt back here to visit (oh.. that maybe Lynsey speaking now!). We love you!