So excited to see this little guy!!! |
I'm woefully late on posting about all of the fun stuff happening out here in Kansas! Several weeks ago (the same weekend as Girls Day Out) Brian threw me an awesome surprise party! Ava and Chris were in on the surprise and tricked me by telling me were going wine tasting. Instead, we ended up at a campground where all of our friends were already hanging out, a feast was laid out and most importantly, there was beer!
One thing that has been great about this year is the awesome people that are now in my life!
Beautiful Ava! |
Apparently we're not that exciting...Hayes on his phone ;-) |
Flying baby! Leigh and Hayes tolerated me tossing their son around! |
Grant is just so shocked to be held by this gorgeous lady! |
Food, friends and great conversation. |
Pete brought Melanie and Madison too! |
Patton and Christie - two of the kindest people!! |
No party is truly complete without a game of Bananagrams! |
What you don't get to see with all of these pictures is the CRAZY thunder/lightning/hail storm that we endured! The sky darkened and we all had to hold onto the tent to keep it from flying away!!! Despite the terrible weather, we all still had a wonderful time!
A huge thank you to everyone that was able to help Brian and come celebrate with us - Chris, Ava, Jessie, Leigh, Hayes, Grant, Christie, Patton, Danny, Mark, Dirt, Pete, Melanie, Madison, and Marine Mark!
Post rainstorm photo op! Hard to tell, but everyone is drenched! |